
Pictured: Sunrise at Bush Heritage Australia’s Carnarvon Station

My research interests primarily lie in the application of population and quantitative genomic approaches to understanding the eco-evolutionary biology of wild populations - currently, my PhD research is focused on the genomics of inbreeding depression and population decline in a long-term study of superb fairy-wrens, Malurus cyaneus. I have previously worked across many different systems, including intertidal fish, weed species such as rubbervine and parthenium, and monitoring of pest and native animals in central Queensland; I am more motivated by approaches than by a particular study system. There are so many interesting species!

I also love sharing the wonder of science and biodiversity, and have been fortunate to be involved in developing and delivering ecology, statistics and genetic workshops for both high school teachers and students - check out my Outreach and Science Communication page for some highlights.

Usually you can find me drinking tea, trying to get for loops to run efficiently, or wielding a pipette in the lab. Outside of the office, I’ll be up a mountain putting some more miles under my hiking boots, out horse-riding, or curled up with a cup of tea (again) and various crafts from my pile of unfinished sewing/crocheting/knitting/drawing projects.